Maggie on Elm

Monday, September 10, 2007


Friday, I hiked up to the North Lookout at Hawk Mountain Sancturary near Kempton, PA.
This is the view toward Allentown. Often I can spot the PPL Building on Hamilton Street.
Not this day. It was hazy.
I have heard that on a clear day, you can see for about 30 miles.
Sometimes you need distance to see clearly.
Isn't this true in our own families?
Where we are so close that we don't notice that a child has grown until clothes no longer fit.
Isn't this true with some difficult problems?
When we need to look away and refocus before we can see a solution.

I'm pondering seeing and really seeing.

On this day, the flight was light.
We saw kestrels, sharpies, coopers, red tails, osprey.
Some would say it was a poor day.
I say, any day at Hawk Mountain is a good day.
